when I feel like you’re here with me and that you will be, it in some odd way star form gives me this focus and clarity to face the world that I never have like hardly, ever, shrinking away into this no one knows no one gets place where I hang out and nod my head at the rest who I don’t know how they can’t see I’m pretending this whole scheme is OK but somehow it’s all so much better when I think you’re with me -really- even just in my head you go closer than anyone has on physical planes and I feel like my chest gets less heavy and I can breathe deep and not think about my regular plagues and it all seems so doable like I can play the game in order to get out of it eventually like I can be a better everything when I think we are OK it’s dumb in a way but I swear when I think you are mad at me or don’t understand me or confuse where I’m at it’s like my own limb giving me the finger filing papers to sever it feels so lost awkward and I’m like, ahem, get over here stop being silly we don’t always have choices as to what feels like home because if we did we’d have been there long before we stumbled into it, my dear at the first cozy thing, as if one could stick a welcome mat at another’s feet and make it feel right we surely would have before now but I won’t forget and I won’t let you forget who the **** I am namely, you