In the black spheres of another’s cavernous eyes I lost myself amidst the seep of my own light patterned into strange foreign orbs
drinking heavily of I am borne on the winds of imagined hands sculpting me awake. where I can dream-in the voids between lust, where the nothing seems happy, the night is my friend
in the convex meniscus of another’s iris perhaps I can dream of rebirth in the titrating wound in the womb of lust
makes my eyes search the ether. In the womb of my lust there is wind in my wings. In the womb of my lust there is more
to be found. to be woken into equilibrium perhaps I must abandon the forked tongue of independence, so that fanged loneliness
can die of happiness. the snake becomes a docile bird when fed. the castle of self becomes a womb in the kingdom of entwined, sleeping hands. we are born