I wish I could undo These feelings I have for you; Hoping these butterflies in my stomach calm down Because I know; They're fluttering for a lost cause.
I wish I could unsend Those awkward messages; Those weak clauses I try and make Just for you to keep talking; Making your time a waste.
I wish I could erase The memories of the little things we do; That to me mean everything And that to you, mean nothing at all; An unfair compromise.
I wish these wishes And keep on wishing That this wishful thinking Just cease on wishing; That I go back to the reality and stop believing.
But I'll never forget. How you saved this lost cause. When you pretended that nothing was wrong; How you said everything was okay; How you said you want to help.
I'll never forget How I said no to your offer How you said I broke you How I pushed you farther away; Yet how desperate I was to welcome you back.
I'll never forget The things we shared; Those little things we said, Those words you told me; I hope you don't forget; Even if I mean nothing special.