Are you, this body of five elements? Are you the mind, five senses weaved?
Or are you one with the one beyond? the , eternal, infinite - consciousness?
Why keep me at arm's length? Don't you know, like you,"I am that",
There aren't two but just the one! Don't be duped by this illusory construct!
When time gets ripe, cosmic wish, its dice casts, the game changes comes the big crunch!
between 'big bang and the final crunch' you fight your wars, momentary, who wins?
the play continues in cosmic time schedule, even Einstin couldn't- envisage the game as a whole!
"I am that"-("Tat twam asi" in Sanskrit) a "Mahavakya"( grand truth regarding the absolute ) which cryptically says the consciousness within each and the cosmic consciousness are not two, but one.