Our love was like a large can of tomato paste at Papa John's, neglected, red like Papa John's **** warts
We had it all, the paste, the will to live like pin worms that squirmed over Papa John's **** warts
Nancy and her first ****** period
“Is this your first ****** period?” Nancy's fake-in-it-for-the-money-English-foster-mother asked. “Yes, in junior high school the day is divided into ****** periods,” Nancy replied.
I was so fortunate to have known you before you became a homosexual. You were kind & caring You acted normally. You didn't have A.I.D.S. You weren't crying. And then you became queer. Now, you're a mess. Get it together! Why don't you just go back to being sane?
You'll have to eat your chocolate wet. Why? Because I dropped it on the toilet.
What can I do? It happened to me too.
Whispers in the dark
You whispered in the dark and I couldn't make it out. "Turn on the light so I can hear what you're saying!" I demanded.
Thanks Krystal, I feel that 1 day Hawaii will be at peace.
Nature films & ***** films are both recorded on the same stock. I'm rabidly anti-corporatism. There are many talented people ambulatory & otherwise who were invisible in the dark, pre-Internet years. All's coming out now, all will be revealed. You're here. People read your poems. That's more important than what the gate keepers choose to tell us.
While others are rushed to the hospital, Elvis was leisurely driven.
Why do you poison my food? Why do you ***, while standing on 1 foot? Why do you throw pies at me? Why is your mother Chinese? Why? You beat me with bull ropes. You whack me with oak planks. You love me. That's all that matters.