I am going to the moon, see you sometime soon. Off into the dark abyss I flee. I am launching forward, setting a course, where the wind and the waves are far from me. I am going to the cheese entrenched in the black expanse of the system. I wish the television might give me some mention. "She travels where no woman has dared to go alone." They chant kind words and put me on a digital throne. I reach the crater with one big thump, with all of these holes there are sure to be some bumps. And as I step off I see, the entire world is looking back at me. The blue and green marble that I cherish as my home, far, far away, I feel terribly alone. I look back at everything. Everything I have ever held dear or hated. The people I love, the ones abhor. All of my dreams I see them faded. The big blue ball holds all life except for me, you would think I would feel free. Except that is not the case at all, I feel terribly, terribly, alone. Far, far away, from home.