My father kept a rose in his bible To symbolize him and my mother I remmeber when he pulled it out When I was little at churce, I asked him what it was and I forgot the whole story but I remember It involved him and my mother I can still smell the aftertones of rose But it was brown and decade, Withered from years of protection Between pages as a bookmark I realized I am the same for the ones I loved, As little to none would admit it I am that rose, I am the withered bookmark you keep I am the reminder of when you were human, When you first started, When you thought you knew everything, When the simple things were enough. I am the reminder of who you are. I don't have a bible filled with bookmarks I have a body colored with the reminder that I am in fact human. I will continue to add to it until I decide, When I meet the one. I will no longer need to print myself with bookmarks But rather take photographs with my eyes And feel with my hands and lips. Taste and feel and experience why Those other bookmarks are not here But a reminder of how far I have come