You’re 3561 miles away from me now Many people will ask how you got there More people will ask why you didn’t tell Because you’re 3561 miles away and I’m not entirely sure I can keep this quiet
Mile 1 was all those days you thought you couldn’t go on The days where your world was ending and no one saw The days when everything you loved was lost So you’re 3561 miles away to keep those memories from rising up
Mile 147 was spent in the hospital Because you couldn’t handle the pain anymore You tried to get rid of it yourself Well they thought you were crazy and they sent you away So now you’re 3561 miles from all the people who think you’re insane
Mile 836 you were struggling to stay alive You went through with something when you knew the odds were against you You didn’t care anymore because life was enough trouble already But now you’re 3561 miles away because you survived
Mile 2451 you thought up this crazy plan to get rid of everyone You figured people had enough of you anyway so why not leave You thought no one loved you and no one cared Well you thought wrong because I’m still here But you’re 3561 miles away and I can’t even show you how much I care
Mile 2915 and you’re counting down the days until you’re free Because you’ll be an adult in six days but that doesn’t matter anymore You’ll be gone before your birthday comes And your memory gone faster than that So now you’re 3561 miles away and can’t remember a **** thing
Mile 3428 and you’re starting to forget everyone you’re leaving behind You look forward to the new life you’ll have To all the new people you’ll meet and all the lies you’ll make up about your past You’ll think of a new name and a new person to embody And now you’re 3561 miles away from who you were
Mile 3557 you’re almost there Tossing and turning in the little sleep you get Overthinking this plan already but there’s no time to change now You still haven’t told anyone you’re leaving And you sure as hell haven’t said any goodbyes You’re 3561 miles away and you didn’t have the decency to tell me you were gone
Mile 3561-this is it This is where your new life begins This is where you can forget everything and move on Forget the ones who’ve cared forget the memories you’ve made But there will be a day that all the pain swells up and bursts at your seams Because you’re 3561 miles away and nothing will ever be the same.
-To the one person I’ve cared about the most. 11/5/2017
This is a very personal poem that I wrote. It is about a dear friend of mine that moved away without even telling me she was leaving. It's about the days and months leading up to her move, because deep down I know exactly why she did it and somehow I still don't completely forgive her.