which period shall I resound the four verses one, the rhyme? shall I use parentheses or just write free, might I space or italicize or leave this un-glamorized?
I walk down the long six-story concrete steps a step at a time divining the barren apartment the govt spends its money on above hovering
You think I want to live here in this danger rat infestation its free but that don't make me happy I have a baby and the world calls me a freeloader
obviously, I have decided to write this in stanzas it doesn't flow like the steps this woman walks down daily I do my best
sometimes I sleep with men when the cupboards bare I decided to break the flow up
for why I don't know
I have gone two weeks without diapers before and my baby I would do anything for her so don't judge me. I am not a *****.
I am trying to survive.
Again I interrupt her story to inject- poetry has to make a difference, it often doesn't rhyme, it isn't made to be syllables and meters. It is to make a difference. Let me shut up. let her speak.
I didn't mean to bring a child into this hell. But I gave in to one night of weakness, Now I am stuck on the sixth floor here in this bleak *** building with no hope no idea how I might make her life better. I have tried god.