I sneezed in class and the whole class looked at me. Achoo was the anthem that people could not just let be. They looked at me as if I had offended their lineage I could see that my entire class wanted to cringe To make it worse I had to let off a small cough. Cah-Cah was the sound my mouth let all off. Afterwards I stuttered in trying to explain I wish all this noise were killed by my brain Because these sounds were better left inside of my jaw. I heard he-he, and ha-ha, and the dreaded whoooooop and raaaah. I then heard the squeak squeak of my teachers shoe. I was sure she wanted to ask me what is wrong with you. And you shouldn’t go back to class until forever is done. But she told me in a kind voice to get up and come She handed me a napkin and said to use this instead. And then asked me a question based on the assignment I read.