You are complex and quiet You prefer to be alone and you keep to yourself in a crowd full of people You have a big heart yet whenever someone tries to love you romantically you keep them at arms length You don't speak a lot but when you do you don't need to say a lot to get your point across You have seen, tasted and felt evil yet you continue to choose to do the right thing When I want to give up you toughen me up When I yell at you you don't make a fuss You let me be by myself to deal with my anger then get me off of my *** and teach me to channel it better You see greatness in me that I cannot see with my own eyes You tell me the raw truth when everyone else lies You don't think twice when I call you for help You don't allow me to give up you push me to be a better version of myself If I want to cry you let me but I better be running if I do When I feel like I don't belong in this world you don't make me feel inferior to you Instead you stand me up look me in the face and remind me of my self worth You encourage me to face my past even though it will hurt Even with all of your demons you fight internally on a daily basis you never hesitate to hold my hand You made me the strong person I am today You are my Batman