Grace enclosed by prison walls with a brightness few may see when the stones reflect back the light doomed to remain within where two trials are endured before a rescue may occur these I’ll share as a jail binding tight the struggling soul
shackles with the lack of length to engage bless beauty’s realm denial says it’s not so another try refutes the hope nothing ventured is the same when the outcome disappoints contradiction of faith’s dream that loveliness is at hand
these are embraced as second skin soon the armor wraps around first too heavy to walk upright then embraced as consequence protection was the old purpose enclosing pain within cold steel now like a mummy the binds pull with a life gladly denied
from the outside comes a call fingers working against the straps removing stones in the walls wanting to see what’s inside now alien in the hole of time too long submerged in the well I hope the barrier may be dropped as the shackles fall to the ground.
“As Shackles Fall” is about the challenges facing too many lives. While the world does not promise rescue is at hand, there are those willing to help their friends.