Matter is a reflection of the nameless void. Our physical bodies are reflections of our selves.
Just as we are products of our environment, our environment is a product of our minds.
Ungraspable, yet useable. Invisible, yet all we see.
Matter is the surface of the nameless. The nameless transcends space and time and connects all things; the isolation of separate particular things is like islands in the ocean; apparently different, yet linked by what lies far out of sight.
Art is the language of Spirit. Spirit is the pilot of Matter. Matter is the vessel of the Namelessness.
Words fall short. Experience cannot be conveyed. Words are like signs along the path but they are not the path itself. (Ergo you must chose to heed the signs and follow your path)
This is something I wrote on the inside of the back cover of my newest sketchbook.. I thought I'd share.