Lay off Barky & stop pulling Oinky's tail! My donut's none of your business. You'll never **** anyone with that gun. I never seen people like you. Let's fix our sights so it's one bullet per ******, one ****** per outrage, one outrage per day. First revision: Repent ye ******* sinners! Repent before the Lord. βIt's a sewage-treatment plant in name only!β I yelled as chief picket. βOur sewage isn't getting humane treatment!β βWhat is this ****?β Executive T. Erd questioned. βYou see!β I said. βThat's just the top of the iceberg!β {He's just in time for the holidays, Holiday Xmas Boy!} Grover Cleveland, president, conversational tidbits in the Cleveland household when Grover {born Stephen} was young: βHey Grovy, groovy knife!β βThanks, I stole it from a neighbor.β βGroovy.β