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Jul 2012
Because you smell like walking down the candle aisle at walmart
Because you dance badly and often.
Because you understand that Nirvana is more than teen sprit.
Because you read about science for fun
Because you laugh too loud and you drink too often.

Because you made me smile in the most real way.
Because kissing you never got boring,
And because the butterflies never went anywhere.

Because you know who Steve Vai is
And because you like to canoe.
Because you’re a dog person, and you’re a cat person.
Because you didn’t eat normal, and you knew about quiona.

Because your mom has seven christmas trees,
Because you laughed when I sang Prince Ali
and because you were everything I needed you to be.

Because you have funny looking feet,
and you snore too loud.
Because you over think things, and you never relax.
Because you like to hike and because your pets all have strange names.

Because I can still look back and laugh at how silly we were.
Because I still find a way to bring you up in every conversation.
Because our tattoo artist coloured your skin so perfect.
And because you’re more beautiful first thing in the morning than anyone else I’ve seen.

I love you because your hips always fit my hands so perfect,
And because staying up too late talking to you is better than kissing someone else.
Because I’m going to remember your smile and the way your nose brushed mine when we kissed for the rest of my life
And because I will never forgive myself for letting you walk
Because you’re exactly what I dreamed of and nothing I would have expected.

Because I’ve never been good with words,
Because you weren’t either.
Its because when I looked at you, I saw it back.
Because being in love with you regardless of time, distance and rationality ended up being the only thing I’m really good at.
Cassandra Sykes
Written by
Cassandra Sykes
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