I can hear the lonely air whistle As we fly on this time missile The wind chimes As it carries time A time that is quickly fleeting When it's death we'll be meeting So as time keeps flowing My anxiety keeps growing Like the Reaper's scythe It used to be a knife But now it is my crescent moon That will take me to my tomb
Time keeps passing Time keeps thrashing My skin is hardened As my mind is smartened I gain my impurity From my seniority But time slows when I'm with you And you can erase the color blue Please pluck me from your fandom So we can tackle time in tandem
The clock keeps ticking The clock is tricking Me into thinking I have time And so I begin to climb The sands of my daunting hourglass Sand hits the ground becoming my past Your absence makes sand fall faster My life becomes a natural disaster I'm stuck in a sandstorm Only you can reform For the power of time Covers me in grime
Time's gavel Is my calling Time travels As I'm falling The minutes feel infinite Until they're gone forever If we could be intimate Time would be pleasure
I am missing seconds As your kissing beckons I start to float through time and space Whenever I witness your lovely face But that's time I'll never get back So I must get my life on it's tracks And reset my clock And reset my **** So I can see time clearly And watch it float near me Because in a life without your love The passing of time fits like a glove