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Oct 2017
I made it
I made it back to my little nook
The place I've started to find
A comforting home within
The dishes need to be cleaned
There is forever clothing to fold
My eyes must be shutting now soon
For another big day awaits.

I ride on the train
And kick up my boots
Its been dustier these last few days
A sickness coming in and out of me
Like the essence of doing so much
So fast.

I long for affection at times
And I'm thankful for the silence at night
Watching as my fingertips release
The things not quite meant for me.

I catch slanted reflections of myself
Along the corridor
Of my forever in transient
Colorful, one of a kind
Life and I nod back at my reflection
Like I must be some kind of Peter Pan.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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