I mean, I'm not terrible; not too terribly timid or brash sometimes I'm cruel sometimes I'm rash but I can be kind, and generous too. It's just, horrible... seems to be what I do. It could be I'm just too bold or in conversation, exceedingly cold. I'll lift you up like a king with this mouth just to ****** you down on your snout. With one hand I've given my heart... given compassion and hope and art... with the other I've squandered my gifts like a like a gambler. Sold myself as a rambler, a free spirit itching to fly, an unchained lover ready to die. I gave all of what I wanted to be... but never gave me. And what good can one be if one cannot give of the self... to the self... to the world... to a cause... to a God... to something unselfish to something un-self-ish.... But, you know, like I said, I'm kind of a horrible person.