Argers heart burns bright her warmth felt throughout the room where nana bakes fresh home made bread Sunpat cheese spread and pork dripping wait upon a plain white kitchen table where grandad laces tight his ******* boots a canvas bag beside him dirt stained smells like peppermints he looks at me and smiles handing me a stick of liquorice
"for later"
snap packed boots fastened he cuts and spreads the slices of hot fresh bread jacket and trilby taken down and worn he leaves to walk to where he works in absolute darkness he remembers the argers heart burning bright and smiles.
I come from a very long line of coal miners grandfathers uncles cousins father myself and my brother we all cut coal in absolute darkness. Snap is a packed lunch, arger a wood burning stove, Sunpat cheese spread was luminous orange and tasted delicious but was sadly discontinued I'm guessing because of E numbers