When. Summer.s. evenings. fall. , And leaves. Of. Green turn to gold , and fires. In haths are stoked , and the sun gets lazy , . Darkness steals its. Light . Then The churches are full , and each voice sings herolds. Winter and gusts. Of hale . , In hymns of thankfulness to God for a harvest . Tins piled high for those in need are never to be forgotten . A sermon on stones and seeds and chaff blown by the wind , Only then The harvester will call . Ring the bell When in your beds , Or walking home On rocky soil don't. stay , For in the spring we dance and forget we sow out seeds for another day For on stones like chaff , Lay seeds on rocks , and gravel get blown away . by hale and gale , Wind and rain Like time will pass. And what was lost , Can never be gathered When the harvester draws near.