Ignore me in all forms For someone as wonderful as you I can only be washed up in your wave To crash upon the shore and cough up my dignity Struggle to breathe in your love Gasping gasping Every breath growing desperation Please allow me to drown Drown in the ocean you embody Succumbing to your being My choice would be to die To fail or to surrender Because to be with you means to **** myself I can never be all that you are I can only be myself myself that isn't strong enough to swim in your waves To be refreshed in your care or to be thrashed in your maelstrom Ignore me please I'll sink into the abyss of your trenches wildly flailing all the way down without hope of getting out defeated and deprived I'm not strong enough To swim against your currents or even wade in your tides so please leave me be I don't wish to die in your tempest