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Oct 2017
Standing alone and glance up to the sky
I see a black and orange butterfly
Wings are spread as it’s floating by
Not a care in the world as it’s soars so high
I whispered to him “I love you and miss you so much”
In hope that he will deliver the message to my daddy in the sky up above
As I’m writing this the butterfly reappears
Swirling around my head then suddenly disappears
I believe my dad heard me
To send me love from high up above
A tear falls down my face
A flutter in my heart
Knowing you probably heard my message
Sent from the black and orange butterfly
From the ground to high above
Ashly Kocher
Written by
Ashly Kocher  38/F/Florida
       ---, Timothy, Pamela Rae, Keith Wilson and TSPoetry
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