Can be hard to stare unflinching into the eyes of reality coloured by harshness and badness riddled with tragedy. Run by dictators and tyrants, corrupted democracy, religious fanatics, blinded hypocrisy. Innocent children washed up on beaches dying to be refugees what's that teach us? Fleeing the horrors of war, torture, starvation, killing and maiming. Ordered by powerful faces on posters, the soulless have no shaming. Shake our heads, "it's so terribly sad" express our empathetic views before flicking on chatshows, turn off the news. Can be hard to grasp reality really in our protective womb harder to admit what happens closer to home, in the other room. Violence, abuse, ****, neglect. Smaller wars perhaps, but with the same truamatic effect. These don't make the headlines or cover front pages untill we end what's beside us we can't end the evil that rages.