I color my life with the whole box of crayons. The jumbo king box that gives me variety that's the spice of life.
Red becomes like hues of lips I kiss day with in gratitude. By cheeks pinched by sun and cool breeze.
Blue to draw sky I walk under. By feelings of sadness that need to make way for safire diamonds in heart.
Yellow to scetch a rising sun that accents day. By yellow wings that fly gracefully making me sing.
Green exploding in hands to grow tall trees with flowers grand. By grassroots that tickle feet to expand dreams.
I could go on for 300 miles the colors in my box so I will curtail it to one more thing. The rainbow I draw in mind and heart. The one I follow and weave in conscious that carries every color ever imagined.
And there I wander comforted by a woven rainbow fabric in all kinds of weather
Inspired by Aqua Rose's bio page. Thank you Rose goddess for all you do.