Theses are the best of times and worst of times as our game unfolds toward completion.
As we awaken to know who we are, as universal peace keepers instead of believing lies.
As we gather before internet exploding with truth instead of watching scripted news from those with agendas.
Time to **** out the lies which plagued our reality Time to jump ship out of the matrex and into a love based humanity free of fear and hate.
Did you know that 9-11 was orchestrated by goverments to get control?
Did you know that WW2/ Pearl Harbor and other wars were orchestrated to line pockets and agendas of those in control?
Look into heart with this truth. If it bothers you then investigate why. If it resonates with you your awake ready to help the world. If you wish to cast this scribes words aside thats fine. One awakes when they are ready and no judgments I carry.