The Bell’s ringing again Another day of torture Another walk of shame And another crowd to follow
I’m standing in line Everybody is laughing Everybody is smiling But I’m not I’m covering my ears I’m starting to cry The words they say Are echoing again It’s another long day
My classmates say They understand my pain That they’ll stay quiet for me then why am I having a meltdown In the middle of corridor chaos
My heart is pumping I’m humming loudly But nothing can block out the noise I’m being pushed and shoved In the long narrow room
I C A N ‘ T T A K E IT
Stay SILENT For Me What hidden meaning does it have? Rearrange the letters in Silent Here is my message LISTEN to me
This is real stuff that often happens when I’m paranoid Due to my autism, I often struggle in corridors as I have a few sensory problems. Combined with the loud noise and I will just have a complete meltdown