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Sep 2017
The dragon awakens...
The lion is alerted
The phoenix is risen!!

The silence has been shattered
The darkness of the night has become awash...
The power of her ...a light has set it all on fire

The Earth shudders..
The trees sway in the winds of her might
The clouds part..announcing her presence

The Queen has come to claim her rightful throne..
Her rightful place ..
She watches as they all scurry..
Like rats about her feet..

Yes she has come..
A new dawn has come..
A new Era is ushered!
A new sun is overhead..
A new moon is risen..
The stars are there to light her path!!!

Be very afraid.. She is awakened..
Warriors stand at her guard..
She is renewed..
She has fully come into...
She is who She is..
She is .. And would always be...  SHE
Chinny Maia
Written by
Chinny Maia  32/F
       Semihten5, ---, Yue Wang Yitkbel and Nico Julleza
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