terrified again of speaking of speaking but the words not coming of speaking and the words coming but not reaching of speaking and the words coming reaching but losing all significance upon arrival as if they had wings but no feet to stand on and so were always already destined for crash landing—and lo,
what flights of folly.
was i seen and heard and perceived for what i really am?
unknown. if anything is clear: i must learn to listen harder if i am ever even to dream of truly speaking: this itself is what it is to think.
these things are most difficult of all: (not to scorn, mock, or despair at human action, but) to understand to be kind to yourself to pledge your body to the Idea to persist in being kind to yourself.
all Ideas have been betrayed. a philosopher says: all the world will ever offer you is the temptation to surrender. the ethical act is to resist to transgress the transcendentally stupid cruel law of this world.
there will be risk, there will be laceration, and anguish but no one moment is unendurable.
mieux vaut un désastre qu'un désêtre.
and so what might become of us?
imagine the most beautiful being in all of existence and you'll almost be there.
i know nothing of love that is not an extension of the sun.
i have become light.
i know nothing but fascination.
what chance to have laughed and danced
and to go on.
our song will never end: it will only be taken up by other instruments.
i have become light.
all that is lost returns in altered form: disguised, transfigured.
we will be transfigured.
what you seek is seeking you.
how certain i was the dark would find no end!—and lo,
i have become light.
stronger than time.
a site of communication, ecstatic love, art in the eye of god.
a dancing star.
i have become light.
what chance!
—i and all the others that will love you forever and forever and forever—