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Sep 2017
It started with an uncomfortable feeling
In your stomach and fingertips
The flying of butterflies
And the surging electric current

And here comes the awkwardness
and shyness
The blushing of apple  and the
Folding of Makahiya leaves

You promise to catch the moon and give me stars,
but how can I give love  when
I’m too good in holding back
What’s inside this heart?

Neither doubts nor fears
Can’t cease the severity
Of this sweet  wound struck  by cupid’s arrow
Yes, indeed it’s a Yes!

Storm and Raging Thunder Unavoidably entered
Fire slowly liquirified the solid foundation
The pierced Hearts now seem to Fall Apart

But Feelings don’t last
Wounded Heart  Slowly heal
And started to beat again ♥

Collab w/ Its Gonna MAke Sense
Written by
JustAskQueen  24/F/Philippines
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