We use video games To make video gains Until the screen goes black And reality attacks We lose all our progress In the deletion process As we level up we devolve Around the TV we revolve The more experience we gain The more moments we lose Our memories forever stained When this is what we choose Our life inside a hard drive Our life becomes a hard lie We revel in being unwise Rage quitting life We enjoy strife And avoid pesky light When we live in the dark With consumerist plights We are all marks
Video games balance in a zone Between game and art The frustration starts When art is confused for games And games mistook for art People take things to heart And spitefully spew viper venom If this is where games send them Then why do we play? We have no other way To feel accomplishment In a society that worships competition Video games become the second edition Of a life filled with loss On our pixelated cross We are murdered millions of times Reminiscent of the millions of lies That make us losers in the real world Video games become our shiny pearl
The computer displays defeat When our lives aren't complete Because we need someone to beat Not realizing our lives are conquered By frivolous topics we've pondered Our meaningless life squandered And hope comes in the form of new releases While inside our faulty headset is in pieces