In these swiftly flying days of ours, when sun gives way to majestic stars; And mellowed signs betray our trust, from floating winds of fairy dust.
We can see the future fall away, in aging hopes from souls' dismay; With changes setting out a course, which beckons in bittersweet remorse.
Life takes its turns and spirals far, from countless dreams filled in a jar; That promised we would rise in place, beyond the sorrows we can't erase.
Yet in the bank of treasured memories, our lonely thoughts turn light and free; Recalling when the world was young, as beating hearts blended into one.
Love always defies the ancient rules, which smother us and make us fools; Forever in our souls we'll strive, to carry on throughout our lives.
The autumn of our years lament, but somehow we remain content; On seeing all the cherished smiles, who've lived and loved across the miles.