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Sep 2017
I was walking behind
My man's bike trial
And the saying arrived
If you can think of three
Reasons why you don't
Want to be with them
Don't be with them
And I quickly got to two
I tried to think of a no.3
It was on the tip of my
Angry and disgusted tongue
Only one more reason
And I'd be long gone
I began the preparation
But there was none
I tried to use his bike
Or the way he walked
His pace was a little fast
He was breathing loud
But I couldn't make one
He's mine I tell you
He's staying by my side
That's why I forgave him
I like his walk, his pace
And his breathing sound
I had counted to three
Three reasons to stay
To keep him close to me
Written by
Eliza  31/F
     Mystic904, rose, TSPoetry and Deep Ponderer
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