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Sep 2017
In that moment
a thousand poems fill my lips
I am too shy to speak;
Blue eyes and sunshine have become
the only words I could ever need.
I have come to know
The earth is not a cold, dead thing,
I no longer want to be afraid.
I get the sense that I forgot,
somewhere in between bruising
what beauty is truly built from.
Built from scarring skin,
reminding me constantly;
Love is not a weapon
Love is not hurt
Love is not to use against,
or harm,
or wreckage
but Love is a choice.
Every day,
To forgo the safety of feeling just okay,
step onto the edge of emotions
with a hand on your back
and trust that They will be steady,
They will be kind,
They will stay.
this has kept me awake for 18 years
Anna Grace
Written by
Anna Grace  19/F/Rochester, NY
(19/F/Rochester, NY)   
   --- and Benjamin
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