past summers sunset, before the witching hour wheels beneath my feet spun forward through this seasons ending blue flashing lights of LED projected to and fro dancing hues of white sent to indicate another traveler along this path from afar thats all you were a light shaking to a fro, dancing in the blur
slowly we came within that distance on communal paths that only frequent users come to know, that distance where some form of greeting, some sign of acknowledgement, i believe, is required for those in such a sharing peaceful place.
my gears were turning and my mouth opened to say "good evening to you" just around that same time, the two of you said "hello" and "how are you"
suddenly, with the sound of the loving voices, i was tremendously thrown into the memories of easier times when i looked to you for love and affection when i hoped to hear you with regularity back when i was confused and disturbed with no compass to guide my sails and no wind but for what was in my lungs
i knew those voices once i knew their faces too they were gods to me and now, just two voices i heard while passing on a blue summers eve