Beauty is pain Beauty in everything Beauty nowhere Beauty is love and joy Beauty is streaming tears Beauty is smiling and singing and dancing What is beauty at all?
Sea life and sweetness Fruit and flowers People and parties Pizzas and pajamas Gold and grass Love and life Beauty is boldness and beachesβ¦
What else is beauty? Sparkly eyes with a glimmer Bluebirds and ravens gliding on whispering wing Whistling leaves in clear robins-egg air Flaming orbs breaking over flawless horizons Water trickling in magical notes of liberty Is that beauty in purest form?
Where does it go when the spirit dies? Fade and wither away into nothing for lack of life Or become transformed as energy converts in movement Or dance off into sunlit clouds into heavens above and beyond Glow itself up to be borne again to some new beauty Or reset to a new life as memory soft and sweet Where does it go and where does it stay? Where does it go?