Lavender fills the air Whispering winds flow against your skin roses lilt like a ballerina in the moonlight A thought stabs its way into your mind The tired quake flies rampant While fluttered dreams come alive like a bountiful fetus Growing and feening for life You nourish every thought left of its existence Clinging to hopes and dreams of a past forgotten Cringe as you gather the combinations of metal So distasteful to the cheek, yet wondrous A taste only beasts cultivate in the sparkle of the devil’s eye Tears flow on the crescent of your cheek Spilling what’s left of your legacy onto the soil Your lungs release what air they have left Magnanimous fears fly away in spectacular awe In the time it takes to regret what you’ve done Death has cloaked you in its womb for all eternity it dances over you Watching with a smile As you decay Within this stark starry night Beneath the trees from which you born Farewell