Love cannot be measured by color red For it bears more than just the color of blood And more than the idea of your pumping heart
It cannot be measured by any means You cannot say how deep it could be For love is love, and love is still If you love someone, you never change, you stay, you always will.
Because love is a once in a lifetime hit Not like a shooting star with unli wish And it may have its different kinds We really cant tell love based on our silly signs
And though your quest for love Might lead you to your first heartbreak From a once happy, now aching heart What a tragic twist of fate
But as you fall into the depths Of confusion, doubt and pain One person will again hold your heart Trying to put you back in place
But know that we're still young and free You know, there's still much to see Kisses and hugs and monthsaries Are not the only reasons to be happy
Don't seek love to hit your way Don't take Cupid's own play Because "love at first sight" isn't true True love is "growing old with you"