Frozen in thought . . . the silver gray moon bends the sun's will toward an earthly gravel grave in the Walker County strip pit .
It was only yesterday . . . when the Cougar Eliminator prowled the highways of disappearing white stripes seeking a crescent city moon that lays naked in the bending arms of it's river lover
"Drive !" , he said . . . so I hit the pedal hard spinning tires and burning up the moments in haste that I would someday regret throwing to the stars
Like a wolf howls at the moon . . . we howled at our youth . . . so far from home unaware we were truly all alone in bent light of folly
The horizon cradled the moon . . . slipping beyond the bridges of our possibilities and I am thinking of Macbeth blowing out his candles
"Drive !" , he said . . . life is a stage , a highway going forward measured by our distance divided by time we are so defined
I have driven to the moon . . . collected sunbeams and bent the light and drove back howling with a midnight's voice warm in the south by southwest winds