∙∙∙◦◦•◎•◦◦∙∙∙ Crawling down the streets on pouring rain darkness cares of creeps hovering their pain the lamp post on their niche thunder blunders a hit to an abbey where we used to meet with white lane trails and colored vales a flashback in memory lane
Time used to stop and stare for a while to vanish the pain, I bare and look a step back from the mile
There... were we used to melt away from cones of treats and giggled from candies we barely eat with swirling clouds in play gazing our hearts in the moss of grass, we lay
Then a change led you to leave you cared nothing but your selfish greed anxiously I gave all of Me but just to realize you gave nothing of thee
As I die a sign in my heart reside an echo awakening a brave woman, a reborn rite with wiped away tears and faking leers she flaunts out her pain
A brave woman brave enough to begin again
#Brave #Love #Again #Way #RiseAgain #Women
To All the Strong Women Out there, Including My Mom.. I Salute you. God Bless Poets