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Aug 2017
Dear Mother did you know that you beget,
A flower in my Heart that doth my pain abet,
Watering it for life with loving rain,
Soothing it with lullaby refrains,
Tending to its stems and to its soils,
In which it is with Loves light deep embroiled,
A seemly sight are you with watering can,
More qualified and skilled than any man,
To nourish the ****** diamond of my Heart,
For thine affections the gift of gorgeous grace impart,
Such a daughter never wants for more,
But may in ignorance for more implore,
Yet grateful am I for transcendental blossom,
Kindled in my mind for all your wisdom,
Your perfect care and sweetest charity,
That stokes the gift of love and amity,
When the sky collapse, with thunder bolts,
That strike upon my heart and give it welts,
Dear mother from her bedside duly raise,
To tend to me, and so I offer praise,
In worthy, sanguine, devoted Psalms,
For you mother a million alms,
And a hundred million drams,
Knows Love cannot be count in grams,
Dutiful and diligent on her way,
Dear Mother you assuage my dismay,
Be forever aura sent to heal,
Dear Mother, hear my Love, earnest appeal.
Megan Sherman
Written by
Megan Sherman
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