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Jun 2012
Towards to the sky, do these lonesome eyes stare,
For the darkened abyss and skies above fail to clear,
The longing site that hides beneath the covered mask,
Faithfully waiting, for until time, its relevance will cast,
The heavenly light upon this surface of earth,
Of greatened heights and improper worth.

Oh, so these longing eyes stare upon the skies,
Waiting to see what beyond those darkened land lies.
For four scores of days have passed in time,
And yet these loyal eyes stay, awaiting a sign,
That maybe one day these dark skies will clear,
And reveal to it, the vision it can no longer bear.

And when it does reveal itself, can the heavenly lights then shine,
Upon the grounds of earth, by its means, be deemed divine,
Upon the hearts of those, who sees its radiant light,
Be drowned in warmth even during the coldest of nights,
Only for a minute time, for then the clouds will return,
Leaving these eyes alone, only to again long and yearn.

For this is the feeling of waiting for something extraordinary and great,
It is when it fiercely comes and goes, do we stand along again and wait,
For its faithful return of immeasurable time...
A poem on the freeing from something treacherous.
Jay M Wong
Written by
Jay M Wong
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