I have been reaching out and you finally gave me some fingers to cling to, but you were the same, cold condescending *** that you left me as.
You could have been cordial my old friend just once more, because I already knew what the outcome would be, you'd go back to Her and go back to ignoring me because this is how it has to be.
But still you chose to be cold and devoid.
That's fine, but this is the last time.
I hope you said everything you wanted to say. I hope when your words thaw, your burn marks do not stay. because the bridge is already burning, and I've already paid the toll.
So goodbye for the last time. Why did you have to be so cold?
Honestly, I chose to limit the euphemisms and metaphors in this and be straightforward. The person this poem is directed at was my everything for a while, and I didn't want to invest too much time in a poem he'll never read, nawimsayin?