death: an abnormality— deep prints left by heavy boots filled with water and washed away by summer’s end.
grief: a metal sensation denude of coldness—swelled up again and again from life’s ***** driving deeply.
I suppose you couldn’t help but steal away. you (now endangered ghost) left your trace fossils moted, gray and cold. our memories of you divorced from the mountain’s path— a wound raised higher and higher to a crystal peak where your soul was plucked cleanly out.
we built cairns to mark your going and stories to signal your inevitable re-arrival. we welcomed the heavy contact of fire felt in the middle of the chest and watered arches cut beneath the eyelids. we felt the frigidness of lit feet gliding above mountain frost and set forth your eternal journey to the solar eclipse. but somehow we lost your trace fossils frozen in the rock.
where did you go? who found you? why?
these are the questions of extinction of the physical body but the soul is unmatched in its uncertainty. if it exists, it leaves upon time of death and reenters when looked at through shielded glass.
soul: a mountain view, black and polished by an unfurled moon. its brother sun not far behind.
RIP, my dearest friend. You will be forever missed.