A magic ray of heaven Awoke me yet shroud me in daze Enamouring me of celestial vision It's dazzling displays A sublime hippie beamed to me Rapped upon my back Gently, ever gentle, he has the knack Sang woe for me alack But he beamed bright fortified in flight By my quest he said Saw my truths as rare forsooth Feeding thousands with meagre bread His words had come from shiva But through his Angels spoke Chasing herds of words With beauty rare, bespoke He ferried me to archangels Sublime statures of the sky Chasing light that follows Where those bonny angels fly Devotion, poesy hand in hand In realm of imagination, dream On gods enchanted sand Beatific, supreme In enchanted sing for bright burnished wings For John the Angel true Blessed fires run through you Through my heart a warm breeze blew Guardian of my destiny now He hisses at those who attack my flame We art two beings of love and light Who art the same