surrounded by shell-glossed earthtones teals on magenta images of americana, from native moccasins to an embroidered 50 states (of slices of mind) engraved tobacco canister, grandpa’s favorite pipe crafted crochet blankets spun out from grandma’s hands like magic one antique menorah lit in holiday memories books and photos in movie star glamour mixed with wild-haired natural smooth polished woods and painted cityscape, all slick rugged cozy colorful trinkets against subtle plush of beige, elegance of textures in tandem love’s timeless flame wrapped around me, like a flannel blanket acceptance and welcome ringing in my pores like freedom and I float upon this bed in my mother’s home, once mine (still mine) as in a river flowing out tendrils our bond unbroken past and present bathing me in deep-seated roots of caring what more could a daughter, now also a mother, ask for
New York love as I visit my mother's home with my oldest daughter <3