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Jul 2017
I'm growing out my hair.
Not because I'm really in love with the whole hooligan look.
More so because I feel as though it keeps me just a
liiiiittle bit closer to my youth.
Because I do not at all mind when people call me crazy,
with my wild thick hair.
I am crazy.
I'm probably crazy because I still want to keep
the child in me sheltered in my mind, my heart.
I always want to dream and I always want to play video games
and if theres a five year old in the room,
I'm up for pretending with you.
(So long as I'm not playing my video games)
I'm growing out my hair.
Not because I want my girlfriend to tell me she likes it or something,
but because I always wanted to when I was a kid.
Aric garza
Written by
Aric garza  25/M/TX
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