The heart speaks volumes But no one hears its barely audible whispers The heart grows frustrated It isn't just a vessel that feels
It's neglected It's lonely And it deserves love
It's used to find love But it's tired of not being loved
So it shouts and screams And pounds the walls of your body that trap it Because it is tortured
And it will always be unhappy Because we are Selfish We forget that it lives We forget that it feels We abuse it and blame it We threaten to rip it out of its home While it's still beating and begging for mercy
But we do it anyways We ****** our hearts in cold blood
and your heart in its last dying breath whispers to you "Never forget the first time that we met" and despite the fondest memories that you see in that moment You **** it And you spend the rest of your life as an empty shell But one lone thought circles around your retched mind