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Jul 2017
How was your trip? I hope you enjoyed it
Did you stay up all night? Or wanted to die? I did
The sun has made your skin glow
And it's just made my scars show

The blade I used to carve out bark on the trees
Has now made marks on my sleeve
You see I'm too scared to leave now
So I'll just let my wrists bleed out
And hope they won't find me

I wrote your name on my arm
With a lump in my throat
I wrote 'I'm sorry, forever' on a scrumpled up note
Grabbed the stool from the kitchen and placed my head through the knot  and write before I leaned towards the rain
Your text read out 'stop'

I didn't want a life without you
I must be in heaven because now I only see you
Written by
Drop Alice  18/M
   Randhir kaur
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