i used to post poetry and short stories and long, meandering journals written while ****** on another website,
but quit because membership has gone down from several thousand to four members over the years.
the same few people log in every day, they are all retired, so they have a lot of spare time.
the kids aren't coming back, and everyone just keeps on getting older and older.
one of these four people has been a member there since 1999, so almost a generation.
he has 3,852 works on file. basically, he is the only person still posting on that website.
many of these were written in the 70's, 80's, 90's, but are posted daily in comic sans font, along with a comment and the date the poem was originally written. he keeps archives.
i hope he doesn't read the poetry here because i don't want to hurt his feelings. he has the same birthday as my dad, so i sort of felt sorry for him when his girlfriend who listed her occupation as "professional clown, potter, and jazz flutist" started ignoring him and left him and the website that he has loved for 18 years.
she has 999 works on file and all of them are really long and typed in all capital letters. most of them have no paragraph breaks.
it's always impressive to me when someone can write a fairly long poem with no line breaks and still have it keep the reader's attention.