in reality, Kierkegaard was right, it is up to each of us to look back and define ourselves in the bright lights of reality, were we cruel, self centered, lost waylaid , we must take credit no man made me think or do or cuss or believe, not a woman's fantastickness beauty caused me a thing, I chose, it was me, who was weak or strong or cruel, I had choices and all the clues the answers thoughΒ Β i may have refused to believe. But essentially i am neither of those things, not wise or cruel or brutally honest, everyday I changed evolved stumbled saw ignored struggled thrived. Each sun was anew. Another chance to right wrongs I ignored too weak. too unwilling, too afraid. Absurd how I tend to define being here, now I have lived, the past just a dream. described fully by my actions I rationalize away. I did not choose parents situations, were I a rich man I might view different the actions as warranted. The future is my only action possible.